My sinuses are getting better. Tomorrow I should be well enough to have my medical check up for my visa application. I had more than ample rest yesterday and today. In fact, I think I slept for almost 11 hours this morning. I woke up recalling a bizarre dream about superhumans flying and throwing ice spikes to each other. One detail I vividly remember is the one about a male villain (let's call him superhuman villan A) who was commissioned to kill the female protagonist but he couldn't bring himself to do so for some unfathomable reason. It turned out that they loved each other in the past. The past, however, is unknown to them because all their memories were erased. Superhuman villain A killed countless innocent superhumans; and he had so many opportunities to kill the female protagonist. He attempted many times, but always, when he was about to put an end to her life, he would unwittingly step back. He couldn't understand why. There was always this urge to kill her; but his instincts forbid him to do so. The female protagonist, being invulnerable to the most powerful superhuman, becomes the most powerful of all! She uses this advantage to save the lives of many innocent but less talented superhumans from the hands of the most formidable foe!
Strange dream about superhumans, right? I'm hoping I'll have more dreams like that. I'm also hoping I'll dream about eating my favorite fruit tonight: PINEAPPLE! I ate nearly a platter today. Lucky the acidic juice spared my lips! Sometimes I just keep eating til the pain becomes intolerable. Call me a masochist. I'll do anything for tasty pineapples.
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