Coke Float

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I had to do some errands for my bro and sis awhile ago and my parents dropped me off at McDonald's near Victoria Plaza. I had to wait for an hour before the mall opens so I decided to use the McDonald's coupon my bro gave me the night before. I told him, "I don't really need that. I don't like McDonald's." He said, "Someone just gave it to me. Just take it!"

That was the biggest mistake I made the other day. I shouldn't have taken it. If I didn't, I would have probably just ordered coffee. But because I thought the coupon was a good deal I decided to get myself coke float and medium fries.

I think it was the third time I ever had coke float in my life. Coke float, by the way, is a regular coke drink with a floating chocolate sundae. The first time I drank coke float was during the first few weeks it was being offered as part of the regular menu. The second time was when I attended a meeting for my cousin's wedding. 

I don't think I'll ever drink coke float again. It's just basically sugar on top of sugar. I don't like it when the sundae melts and makes the coke creamy. The combination is just so wrong. No one has ever manufactured a creamy soda for some reasons.

Many of my friends love coke float though. I think it's because they love coke and sundae. The combination of the two makes the deal really good. But for a person who doesn't like coke but who likes sundae, the combination is deplorable. I'd rather just drink water!


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