Disneyland, Paris

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Although it was never my childhood dream to go to Disneyland, visiting the site made me (falsely) feel like I just made a dream come true! I was actually hesitant to visit the place at first because I knew going on the scary rides was inevitable. But when I was already there, and my friends dragged me to the rides, I was surprisingly having a lot of fun! So fun, I wished we could go on more rides. Due to the extremely long queues, we unfortunately only went to three rides: The Phantom Manor, Big Thunder Mountain and The Tower of Terror. 

The Phantom Manor. This ride was not scary at all (but I think children will find it scary). The ride slowly took us around the manor to see ghosts and (supposedly) scary phantoms. The ghost holograms were really outstanding; and they seem so "real!" I might actually be scared if, let's say, my brother will set up that kind of ghost hologram at home!

Big Thunder Mountain. We killed almost four hours for this ride because we didn't opt for the fast track option. In the fast track option, we get to book the ride and come back during the specific time. The queue looked deceptively short. But it took us four grueling hours of waiting. Nevertheless, it was so worth the wait. The scariest part was when the vehicle entered the "mine" and everything turned pitch black. The ride went up slowly at first. Upon reaching the peak, the speed picked up and with bullet-speed, the vehicle took us all the way down. That couple of seconds in the dark felt like forever! Oh! I forgot to add, when we exited the dark mine, and of course, my eyes were wide open, I saw giant cactuses all over the area. They were so beautiful! 

The Tower of Terror. My friends really had to drag me to this one. It's one of the scariest ride I've ever had in my life. Can you imagine going up the elevator to 12th floor and suddenly dropping to the speed of gravity? Then the elevator comes up again; and when you reach the peak, the huge window opens and you get a bird's eye view of Disneyland. Repeat the entire process for a minute. Oh yes, I screamed 'til my throat ached!

I had so much fun visiting Disneyland. I'm definitely going back with my future kids someday.


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