I pass by this forest on my way to the lab. |
Hey there!
The charming castle without a charming prince. |
I always go out with an umbrella. |
Last week, I wanted to write something about my new abode, but I was feeling a bit sad after the great gust of wind slapped the Philippines and left a huge typhoon scar that will probably never heal. Rest assured though that my family is safe and sound. However, my countrymen who were badly hit are still desperately needing food and water. While my country has received millions of donations from all over the world, the victims still remain in such an abominable and infernal-like situation due to poor mobility. I already stopped watching video clips because they really make me cry. :-(
Moving on to a lighter topic... I would like to tell you a bit about Leuven, my new home. The pictures speak for themselves. Despite the perpetually gloomy weather, the campus surrounded with trees and ancient architectures have made the ambiance conducive for living and studying. A walk through the forest (the shortest method to reach my lab from my residence) is like a journey through a mystical garden full of enchanted creatures whose main ability is to make you experience serenity at its purest. However, like any mystical garden, traversing the path at night is the worst (ever) experience you can possibly fathom as you will see nothing but disfigured shadows of monstrous trees! Because I am no more than a damsel in distress when I journey through the forest in pitch-black darkness, I often find myself running for my life. haha! But daytime is perfect. A picturesque campus indeed!
I'm so happy to be here!
Good night now. Kisses to you.
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