It's so ironic how I effortlessly got out of bed so early today when I have nothing important to do. Yesterday, I was so desperate to wake up, I wished someone would push me off my bed. But no one came to rescue my sleepy soul and bring it back to the real world. Exams are done and I must say, I am pleased with the results. Something to tell mom when we see each other...
Because I have nothing to do today, let me briefly tell you about some sites I have visited in Rome. We spent the entire day just roaming around the city through the aid of a single map which I could hardly figure out. Eventually, the map led us to sites and ruins where ancient Rome was built. The places were well-preserved. In fact, some repairs were taking place while we were there.

We also went to one of the most popular sites: The Colosseum. It's a gigantic piece of art designed to hold 50,000 to 80,000 people. It's obviously designed for entertainment and I can just imagine how loud this used to be like way back when gladiator battles took place. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to scrutinize the interior of this Colosseum because it was near closing time. I also wasn't able to see how this magnificent structure looks like when lit at night. We wanted to come back and see after dinner. Unfortunately, we got drunk.
You see, in Rome, water is more expensive than wine. During dinner, we ordered wine thinking it was "just like water." But no! Our world started swirling and we never managed to get back to see the Colosseum again! Thou shall not underestimate the "power" of Roman wine.
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