So what's going on in my life? As I have mentioned earlier, I went to Australia to visit my bf and finally meet his family for the first time. Those 10 days with my bf were my happiest since the year began. My bf introduced me to everyone. I was a bit shy and often I would stay quiet not until they ask me questions. One time, we went to the Korean bbq restaurant. The owner of that restaurant happened to be my bf's friend. As usual, I sat quietly while contently eating the juiciest barbecued beef in the world (the Wagyu). My bf's best friend asked a random question about genetics, which happened to be my favorite. I spontaneously answered so as not to disgrace myself. Later that night, the owner of the restaurant (my bf's friend) called my bf just to say, "your girlfriend is very smart." My bf and I nearly died laughing because I fooled the restaurant owner into thinking I am smart. Hopefully, in the future, the restaurant owner will hire me when I apply for a job as a waitress. I'm kidding. haha. I have always wanted to be a waitress. But I've always been too clumsy in the kitchen, my grandma would kick me out and ask me to study, study, study. That explains why I ended up studying Molecular Biology. I figured breaking beakers is a lot more noble than breaking dishes.
We visited quite a number of places in Sydney. To tell you the truth, the Sydney Opera House was a disappointment. I don't know why people always say it's "awesome". In my opinion, the structure itself isn't breathtaking. I would rather think it's the performance of every visiting artists that makes Sydney Opera House a tourist spot.
There are two things I love about Australia: (1) my bf and (2) nature. I suppose there is no need to elaborate number 1.
As for the second reason, I reckon it's because I am a bit biased. I love nature. And I enjoy going to the countryside and embrace the scenic and unforgettable landscapes. Australia has a very luscious forest. The shrubs are also very abundant; as such, wildfire frequently occurs in summer. I have seen remnants of wildfire which happened some years ago. The trees resembled barbecued Wagyu!
There are also more kangaroos than people especially in the countryside. Almost every night, my bf had to drive 150 kilometers from his mom's house in Sydney to his farm near Goulburn. Driving is like walking in Australia. It seems impossible to live without a car because the nearest shop from the residential areas in Sydney is around 15 minutes by car. So if a moving car is 4 times faster than a walking person, a human being with an average length of legs will reach the nearest shop in approximately one hour. Because my legs are shorter than average, I suppose I will get there in an hour and a half.
Or maybe 2 hours? haha. I gotta go. See you hopefully this weekend. Good night everyone!
Or maybe 2 hours? haha. I gotta go. See you hopefully this weekend. Good night everyone!
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