Cinnamon scroll "mutant"

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I went to a market which I have never been to one beautiful Sunday morning. I was craving to eat something sweet. But as you know, I don't really like "sweet sweets," so it was a challenge to find a commercial product that fitted the description. I toured the entire market and found cinnamon scrolls which came in so many different ridiculously sweet-looking toppings! I love plain cinnamon scrolls. However, I also wanted to try the toppings just because I was curious. So then I asked the lady if she could bake me one with guava toppings on one side and nothing on the other! I was very happy to get my customized cinnamon scroll! 

August updates

Friday, August 26, 2016

I could not recall the last time I visited my blog. But it turned out I actually briefly dropped by last month. I had been planning to write, but I had been really preoccupied I could not find the best time where I still had enough energy to actually slouch in my chair and begin this long conversation with myself. I have been really busy. I had to be otherwise, I would probably sink in depression after the loss of my grandma. I must say I am coping really well. I used to get really upset every time it rains and I end up getting stuck at home with nothing else to do but think about my grandma. Although I still sometimes feel sad when I think about her, the main difference now is the fact that I have finally accepted she is gone. She was my favorite person in the world! She left me with this gigantic hole in my heart which is finally healing. 
So what have I been up to? A lot actually! If you will recall, during the early part of the year I jotted down what I wanted to do this year. I did most of them! 

1. Swimming. I enrolled in swimming lessons, and after the first session I realized that I can actually swim! I just have this deep water phobia. I can swim perfectly well in the pool where my feet can touch the ground. But the moment I imagine the pool is deep, I sink! I nearly drowned when I was young; and I still have not overcome this childhood trauma. I just have to remember that it swimming in shallow water and deep water does not make a difference. If I can swim, I can swim!

2. Playing musical instruments. I dragged my electric piano all the way from Philippines. I must say dragging it all the way down here is definitely worth it! I really love music and it would be a shame if I could not play. 

3. Travelling. I'm off to attend a conference in Vietnam next month. After that, I intend to take a short trip to Cambodia! I'm very excited! I really love travelling. If reincarnation was true (but I don't believe in it), I was probably a migratory bird that got shot by hunters because I strayed from the flock!

The only thing I have not done yet was do more driving practice so I can get a P license. I will probably work more on this goal when I get back from my trip. I have already emailed a nursing home twice to see if  I could volunteer. Unfortunately, they have not gotten back to me. I chose one which is closest to where I live. If I learn how to drive and save up for a car, I can opt to do volunteering in a nursing home which does not necessarily need to be close to where I live. My grandma used to tell me I'm the only one in the family who can make me smile all the time. Maybe I might just have that special ability to make old people smile.